Tuesday, September 18, 2018

logbook guide

The logbook

You must keep a logbook, which consists of writing about your working process at home for this class. To begin, this will consist in writing about your reading and your reflections about reading.

When we have finished The Cowards, your logbook will be about research and project building.

To help you begin your logbook, I am giving you the questions that we use in the reading club to help readers keep a reading logbook. You should begin to appropriate the questions so that when you read you naturally answer these questions.

After each time you read write down all of your thoughts about the book.
Write or draw everything that comes to you.

To begin more easily you can begin with these phrases:
Today, I read the passage in which...
I ask myself...
If I was...
I think...
I believe...
I find...
I would like to know...
I imagine...
I looked for...
The images that stay with me are...
The words that come back to me are...
What surprises me is...
What I don't understand is...
What I find shocking is...
It makes me think of...

You can add drawings, maps, sketches, photos that you took because your reading inspired you to take them...
You can recopy segments that you particularly enjoyed.

At the beginning of each entry you need to write the date and the pages read.

Remember, you need to write ½ an A4 page per week (or an A5 page).

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